Regrettable Book of the Week™ — "Where Rainbows End"

Today I have the tenth in my “Regrettable Book of the Week™” series. For those of you new to my series, this is 100% parody. You are more than welcome to laugh, snicker and guffaw at my amateurish photoshopping and blurb writing. Bad is good. Good is bad.

How about a little manlove this week (literally)?

First the tagline:

Some rainbows are promises. Some are sacrifices.

The blurb:

A man with nothing left to give but his heart…

Former rabbi Saul Rabinowitz is a broken man, adrift and alone. Since coming out, his temple abandoned him. His lover left him for a goyish Chippendales dancer. Now unemployed and penniless, he faces eviction from his apartment. So when a rainbow following a violent thunderstorm deposits a pot of gold at his doorstep, his immediate prayers seem answered.

Except the leprechaun guarding the gold is not keen on sharing.

A magical creature with everything to lose…

Rory O’Shea has spent centuries taunting mortals with the promise of his rainbows and his treasure, especially the greedy types in America. But Saul is different. A man of God, he is incorruptible by riches, and Rory soon falls under a spell more powerful than his own–love.

When Rory takes on human form to be with Saul, love blossoms between the two men. Only problem is there can be no rainbows while Rory is in this form. If there are no rainbows, the world will lose hope and succumb to despair.

Is no cost too high for Saul and Rory to be together or will love somehow find a way…over the rainbow?

OMG, cue the sappy music, this is such a ridiculous story. It might make an interesting Naughty Fairy Tale for Evernight, except I have never written M/M nor am I inclined much in that writerly direction. On the bright side, two bare man-chests for the price of one this week. Ok, maybe it’s actually only one and a quarter. But still… Yay!

Do you have an idea for the next “Regrettable Book of the Week™”? Be sure to share in the comments if so.  I’ve got a couple of guest contributors warming up on the sidelines. More in the months ahead. Cheers.


Disclaimer:  “Regrettable Book of the Week™” is a completely fictional (duh!) creation for parody purposes only. I have no product beyond what you see in this post. Photos are free download proofs of stock photos or photos I have purchased, not to be used for commercial purposes. This is not a commercial purpose, however, I retain any and all creative story rights in the highly unlikely event I accidentally create something that might be worth a damn.

See all prior Regrettable Books of the Week HERE