Hot Halloween Heroes Giveaway Hop

Sherry1969 was my winner!!

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who stopped by my blog. 🙂

Welcome to the Hot Halloween Heroes Giveaway Hop!

hothalloweenheroeshopHalloween is the perfect time to celebrate our favourite hot paranormal romance heroes and share them with others.

This hop is run by Felicity Heaton and Indie Romance Books and runs from October 29th to November 3rd 2013.

Who’s a hot Halloween hero?

Ahem…allow me to tell you about Hugo Desmond, gargoyle, hunter of demons including one Wild West Succubus named Priscilla Goodnight, both circa 1869 Kansas.

Wh-what? A paranormal historical western?! Never heard of such.

Well…why not? Especially with a hero as hot as Hugo (how’s that for alliteration?). Here’s how our heroine first sees him:

The man removes his hat and nods. He is the picture of polite servility, but a twinkle in his baby blues hints of unspoken amusement, a secret he’s not going to share until he’s good and ready. My instincts go on high alert. “Hugo Desmond at your service, ma’am,” he says, bobbing his head.

and a little bit later, she expands her observation:

I do a more thorough physical inventory of Hugo—unruly dark hair contrasts with a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. His considerable height I would estimate at well above six feet, perhaps by as many as four inches. Ridiculously long, lean legs that are straight and not bowed and a broad muscular chest proclaim him to be more of a granger than a cowboy. His fingernails are clean, as are his clothes, and unlike most of my other help, he wears no unpleasant odors.

I suppose in the old west, the lack of body odor, especially for a cowboy, probably was a huge plus. Maybe a clean-smelling Tom Selleck (in his younger days) with a dash of Justified’s Timothy Olyphant? Definitely a hot cowboy…and if he can slay demons? Even better!

Tom Selleck

Tom Selleck from Quigley Down Under

timothy olyphant

Timothy Olyphant from Deadwood








To celebrate Hot Halloween Heroes, I’m offering the following prizes to one lucky commenter on my blog who answers the following question:

Would you rather be:

  • Saved from a burning building by a hot fireman or
  • Pulled over for speeding by a sexy cop or
  • Rescued from a riot by a delectable National Guardsman or
  • Saved from a rampaging demon by a badass gargoyle?
  • Or play a damsel in distress to some other type of hero (describe, please)

I’d also love a “Like” of my Facebook author page, if you might feel so inclined, though it’s not required.

To the randomly selected winner, I’m offering the following prizes:

An ebook of my latest release, Wild West Succubus (hero is a gargoyle)wildwestsuccubus_FINALCOVER175x240


The 2014 NYC Fireman’s calendar! (US only, Amazon gift card of $10 to international)

NYCFiremenFront NYCFiremanBackNow there are some hot heroes for you!!

Please hop on over to visit other blog participants: