Six Sentence Sunday — "I is for Iris", pt 2

Welcome to my third “Six Sentence Sunday”.  Thank you for visiting and especially for any comments you might leave me.  I thrive upon feedback.

This excerpt is from “I is for Iris”, a short story from an anthology I’m currently working on called the “Succubus Wiki”.  If you read last week’s snippet, this continues where that one left off.

“Tonight, I’ve got a gig with a man who’s been pining away for his best friend’s fiancée.  Poor thing.  For seven years he’s been picking his way through a mine field, trapped between warring emotions of loyalty and love.  He’s a good guy.  He deserves a reward.

I play Rick Springfield’s Jesse’s Girl as I prep.

If you enjoyed that, check out the host site, Six Sentence Sunday, for links to more tantalizing snippets from some very talented writers.