Six Sentence Sunday — "Yve Redeemed"

Welcome to my fourth “Six Sentence Sunday”.  Thank you for visiting and especially for any comments you might leave me.  I thrive upon feedback.

This excerpt is from “Yve Redeemed”, my succubus short story published in Pill Hill Press’s Sinisterotica.  (Yes, there is a succubus theme in all my work thus far.)

Ta sits on the edge of the pit and removes his shoes, Mephistos, of course.  What a suck up.

I stroll over in my bra and underwear, Jockey French cut, the modern woman’s granny panties.  The expression on Ta’s face is priceless.  “Shut up!  I didn’t think I’d be entertaining.”

If you enjoyed that, check out the host site, Six Sentence Sunday, for links to more tantalizing snippets from some very talented writers.