Six Sentence Sunday — Soul of the Succubus #1 #SixSunday

Welcome to “Six Sentence Sunday”.  Thank you for visiting and especially for any comments you’d care to leave.

Soul of the Succubus is a Romance on the Go story from Evernight, short enough at 8500 words to be read in a single sitting, before bed, on a commute, etc.  A short story writer at heart, I love that the world of digital publishing makes this length viable for a stand-alone work.

<Begin authorial puffery> My editor likened this story to Buffy the Vampire Slayer only instead of a slayer, Buffy, or Yve in my case, is a nearly four thousand year old succubus. High praise I hope the reading public agrees with.</end authorial puffery> 🙂

In this six, Yve, a succubus, has just completed a redemption ceremony to reclaim her soul after delivering her millionth and final soul to Lou, a demon of the underworld. But Lou is not letting his top succubus go so easily and snatches her back right as she’s about to return to the mortal world.

“Nobody cheats me!” Less than a second later [Lou]’s standing in front of me, my chin in his hand. “Especially not by a temptress who had nothing more complicated to do than spread her legs.”

My jaw tenses. I’m sick of the attitude that succubi are no more than walking vaginas with a top notch advertising campaign. I’ve put up with the snickers and sneers from Lou and his demons for four millennia.

Soul of the Succubus

Soul of the Succubus releases July 24th from Evernight Publishing!

If you enjoyed this tantalizing little nibble, check out the host site, Six Sentence Sunday, for links to more snippets from some very talented writers.